Sunday, January 22, 2012

Back to School - Busy with finals

Dear everyone,

Idyllwild is as peacefully chaotic as it's always been. I was just at a performance, of a really good play-- it's obvious the students put work into it. As do all of the students here. I'm finding life more enjoyable at school now-- I moved rooms, and now I'm in the west wing, as opposed to the east wing. New roommate, new window view, new side of the bedroom. There are mainly sophomores in this "pod," and because I'm an honorary sophomore, more of my friends are here.

I'm preparing for finals by studying and doing extra research. It's been fun, actually. Studying with people instead of being in an isolated section of the dorm. I've learned that you can sneak around during room study and blame it on needing to find the homework for math, which, in my case, is true. There are only two people in the whole dorm who share Maggie's Algebra II 5th period class-- me and one other. We do our homework together now that we live so close to each other. Also, my new roommate, Sam, is in my Spanish class.

Things have been pretty busy lately because of finals. They're the most important tests we've had so far-- most important also in the sense that they're high school finals, instead of junior high school finals. I'm really sorry that I haven't been updating my blog as much as I should be.  It's been tough just finishing projects and social and writing and study. The play was a treat, as well as the tea, honey and sugar I bought today. Guess who will be getting through tomorrow's group study session with flying colors?

I must admit that I've never really found it easy to write these. What am I supposed to say, without creating a diary entry? I don't mind telling everyone about my daily life-- in fact, I think the more you know the better. Or maybe it's the other way around. I'm not sure. Every boarding school, or just school in general, has its secrets and problems. They aren't interesting enough to attract paparazzi, even with celebrities in their midst. However, I believe that everyone should get a spotlight at some point in their life.

This brings me to my next topic: the understudies.

I went to the play last night, just after dinner. Then there was another one today, except, for the understudies. They only get one performance while the others get five, but I think for just being understudies, they were pretty damn good. The play, both nights, was incredible and I plan to see it again this weekend, most likely tonight since Sundays are my "study days," not to mention finals next week.

I'm not too stressed about all the finals. For Spanish, half of the test is out of class anyway-- online quizzes and a writing assignment. In Literate, I have to write two in-class essays as well as know many vocabulary words. World Cultures should be easy. It's just review of India, which we finished almost two months ago. The only one that I need to study long and study hard for is Algebra II. I'm proud of myself for having obtained an overall B today-- a B which I have deserved for a few months. There was a problem with grading but I managed to fix it. It feels good when you see those kinds of things on your grade report. Pretty good.

I hope you all have had a good January so far! It's been lovely for me-- seldom snow, a bit of rain and fresh mountain air! I loved seeing my family and friends, and wish that I could see them more often. But I'm glad to be back, and school is going pretty well for me so far!

Thanks for reading, have a great day!!


P.S. Please visit and tell others - THANK YOU!

Friday, January 6, 2012


Dear everyone,

Cleveland is cold, that's for sure. I only have one day left here and I'm planning to make the most of it. These three weeks have gone by so fast that I can hardly believe school is starting again soon! Next week's beginning will be hard to adjust to, but I'm just hoping I can make it past the connected flight to Los Angeles.

Things have been pretty mellow for the most part, but I've had my ups and downs. In the beginning, I had to clean-- a lot. There was dust everywhere, and I ended up going to the hospital, but I'm fine now. With the help of microwavable heat, a bit of medicine, and ten gallons of hot tea, I'm ready to fly albeit I might cough a bit.

My laptop, Mackenzie, lost one of his feet before I came back to Cleveland, and I scheduled an appointment at the Apple Store to have him fixed. They said they'd have to order a whole new bottom for the laptop and that it would come in after a few days. I thought that was relatively quick considering the holiday season and packed crowds inside the store. However, just a few days later (on my birthday, actually), they called me and said it was in! The next day I got there and had it fixed after a twenty minute wait at the Genius Bar, which is basically the place where they talk to you and fix stuff. Then another chunk of time flew by with them working on Mackenzie in the back. I watched as people came and went, talking about their technical problems and data errors. It was pretty interesting to watch, but I did feel sorry for a few of them. One guy couldn't put The Sims 3 (a video game) onto his computer because he didn't have a recent enough operating system. Somebody else was being a pain in the butt and kept arguing with the Genius guys. Oh well.

So, I just mentioned my birthday. But even earlier than my birthday was Hanukkah, The Festival of Lights, Holiday Given Fame by Christmas. You know, you light the menorah, or hanukkiah, every night for eight nights and then dish out presents to your family. This year it overlapped Christmas, which I don't think has happened for a couple of years. That was convenient since I came back a few days before it began. Anyway, for Hanukkah last year (hooray!) I got The Sims 3, which is heaven in a disk, a few theater experiences which were exciting to say the least, and some much needed Chapstick.

My birthday brought about fifteen thousand "happy birthdays" on Facebook, and I individually responded to each one. Nice Callie, right? Someday that site will crash and everyone will go bonkers. Maybe that's what the Mayans predicted. Ha-ha.

Well, it's nearly time for my third doctor's appointment in the last three days, so I'm going to have to say goodbye. On Wednesday, I saw the dentist. On Thursday, the eye doctor. Now it's time for that yearly checkup... I'll write again next week!

Everybody, I hope you had a marvelous holiday whatever you may celebrate, and thanks a million for reading through this! Have a great New Year, and stop worrying about the end of the world! :)


P.S. Please visit and tell others - THANK YOU!