I'm late!!!!! :(
I just got back from seeing Puss in Boots with Amy and Dennis! It was very funny. I also saw Happy Feet 2 with them, and that was fun as well. In fact I've been having loads of fun with Amy and Dennis. They've got the perfect sized house, and go out to do things more often than Garfield eats lasagna. I kid you not. We've gone to the movies, to stores, to other peoples' houses, to breakfast, lunch, dinner, a hockey game... lots! Plus Thanksgiving... of course!
On Friday I was awake until three o'clock in the morning. Then, I was woken up at five thirty and hastily hurried with my packed suitcase to the bus. We left promptly, having been told we were the first ones who had ever left so early and on time. For some strange reason, I didn't sleep on the bus but listened to lots of Beatles music on the way down the hill. Upon reaching my aunt and uncle's house, I fell into bed and snoozed for a long, long time. My sleep schedule was slightly tampered with now, but that was okay. At least I'm alive to tell the tale! :)
Eight days of Amy and Dennis. That's all it took, and I'm sick of them! Haha, just kidding. As I mentioned earlier, we've had loads of fun together. Early in the week we learned that there was to be rain... RAIN... on Thanksgiving, and that was a big no-no. I did say their house was the perfect size, but not for fourteen people. The grassy backyard is more fit for a Thanksgiving meal. Unfortunately we had to postpone Thanksgiving and thank God that our plans were ruined. Then, as it turned out, the rest of the week was sunny with a dash of chill. The clouds did not feel sad enough to tear up in the sky this week. That's good of course but I think they were laughing at us from up there, wherever THEY are.
Amy and I went clothes shopping (before Black Friday, so no trampling occurred), and purchased several new pieces of habiliment for me! Habiliment is clothing-- learned that from Edgar Allan Poe. He was one of the guest writers, and his reading was quite lovely. The guy wrote a LOT of poetry but he did have fiction pieces in there as well. I enjoyed meeting him... but I don't know, he seemed a bit depressed. His face was gray like an old movie or something.
The other day Dennis asked me if I wanted to walk to the drug store. I shrugged and tagged along for the fifteen minute walk. We passed Barnes and Nobles on the way there, and somehow I ended up in that store. Later Dennis found me reading a book and suddenly it was mine-- Grimm's Complete Fairy Tales. I ended up reading the shortest story I could find to my uncle:
"Once in the wintertime when the snow was very deep, a poor boy had to go out and fetch wood on a sled. After he had gathered it together and loaded it, he did not want to go straight home, because he was so frozen, but instead to make a fire and warm himself a little first. So he scraped the snow away, and while he was thus clearing the ground he found a small golden key. Now he believed that where there was a key, there must also be a lock, so he dug in the ground and found a little iron chest. "If only the key fits!" he thought. "Certainly there are valuable things in the chest." He looked, but there was no keyhole. Finally he found one, but so small that it could scarcely be seen. He tried the key, and fortunately it fitted. Then he turned it once, and now we must wait until he has finished unlocking it and has opened the lid. Then we shall find out what kind of wonderful things there were in the little chest."
A less-than-two-hundred-word charm. It was insanely uneventful, as you can see. But the other stories are delightful! Haha. You know, all about death and whatnot. :)
I'm going to write more about what's been happening soon, so please bear with me! I hope to be able to do so. I've been having a really hard time lately trying to write things that aren't fictional. Being at school again should unquestionably help with that.
Thanks for reading! Hope you had a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving!
I for one am thankful you have an aunt and uncle who get and nurture you. Glad you had a restful and adventure sun filled Thanksgiving break. Looking forward to seeing you in a few weeks! Keep them blog posts coming....