Well, yesterday (from the time I'm writing) was Halloween, and for the first time in my life, I did not go trick-or-treating. First of all, there's no such thing as that here at Idyllwild. At the time it starts, 6:00pm, the mountain is already dark, then add the fact that the houses are so spread apart... well, too bad. There is, however, a parade from 4-6. We weren't allowed to go. I had class, anyway. It's depressing, but I know that next week candy will be on sale!! Also, the Halloween dance, which at first I wasn't going to go to, was very fun. There was a bit of candy there. And we watched Rocky Horror afterwards!
Okay. That last paragraph was from Tuesday, which was sunny and warm and nice and safe. Now it's snowing and cloudy and cold and bad and slippery. It's snowing. And it's sticking. There's a full blanket of snow over everything right now. I have to walk to the dining hall soon and my backpack weighs more than ever. Seriously. I'm putting Mackenzie into it so that he doesn't get snowed/rained (this morning it was raining) on. And let me tell you, that added with my three 500-paged textbooks, makes a heavy trek uphill. If I had a boyfriend his only use would be to carry my books. Honestly.
Other than the weather, school has been going on pretty well. My highlight of the week was being too sick to attend P.E., because hiking would only make me even more sick. Today was the last day of poetry class, which we spent in Birchard instead of the library. Bad idea-- it was freezing. We were shivering the whole time. Anyway... I have yet to put that stuff on my boots to protect them from the wet, so I'm going to have to wear my sneakers until further ado. Hopefully tomorrow in town I'll be able to navigate my way around to find whatever I need. An adult can probably point me in the right direction; maybe the driver will even drop me off somewhere useful.
My red hair dye arrived the other day! My roommate says she'll help me out sometime over the weekend. Goodbye auburn, hello red-- again, finally! I really love the colour my hair becomes with the dye. My moment of narcism.
Even though this post is three days late, I still don't have much to say, Unfortunately not much is happening in this small little town of Idyllwild. Since I explained most of my classes in the first few posts, there's not much else to add. In Algebra II we had a "team test" today. It's where the people at the table all collaborate on one test and get a group grade. It's pretty awesome; I actually learned something from it.
Shambo, the World Cultures teacher, has been off the hill since Wednesday. I don't remember what he had to do, but he won't be back until Tuesday. We're only working on posters, so it's no big deal. I have to research the East India Trading Company. Shambo says it's the best but most difficult of the four choices, because there's so much information on it. Apparently the company ruled the country. Weird, huh?
We had a snowball fight half an hour ago... it was short and sweet, and my shoes are soaked (unintentional alliteration), but still. It was fun. My Victorian detective story is coming along quite well... but it's basically stealing everything from Sherlock Holmes. Oh well. My detective is nicer... 
Spanish class is pretty fun. Um, I mean, es muy divertido! Sí, sí. We've just begun to learn the preterite forms of verbs. Merlin help me...
I think that my next blog entry shouldn't be about me; it should be the first bit of my detective story. Here's the first paragraph:
"The summer of 1882 brought me fortunes for which I am very grateful. My teaching career at the University of Cambridge was going swimmingly, and all of my students were delightful people, some of them as young as eighteen or as old as twenty-seven; two years my senior. They all seem eager to learn about apoplexy, epistaxis, suppuration, apopnixis... medical terms that few people are familiar with. I was very pleased with their final essays, and it was a bittersweet moment when we had to part for the summer break of six long weeks."
Andrew said that it's good because I let the reader know the time, place, and age of the character we're dealing with. I guess that's pretty good. Usually I'm "modest" about my writing but I seriously think this is gonna be good. Oh, I'm also using a UK spellcheck just for Andrew, who's from Britain. I think he'll really like that.
Other than that, not much is going on. I'm waking up, getting ready, eating food, and having class. And writing.
I need 10,000 more words over the weekend.
Wish me luck.
Good Luck!