Hello again! As I type, I'm hanging out in the library computer lab (amazingly, I'm the only one here) with my new darling, Mackenzie. He's doing quite well, and it's been nearly a week since I received him in the mail; he actually came five days before I was expecting. Wow! So far, he's been responding beautifully to my commands and is adapting to the altitude nicely. He has a few flaws, as we all do, but that's what make us unique. Because of Mackenzie's arrival, my poor Gildroy was taken from me. I miss him, I really do, but Mackenzie is helping me heal. I'll give a shout-out to Gildroy now-- hi!!! <33
In case you were wondering, Mackenzie is a Macbook Pro, and Gildroy was an Eee PC.
In other news, I have recently been filmed for an Idyllwild movie, visited by my aunt and uncle, and gone on an all-day hike.
Wednesday was pretty awesome. The sophomores and juniors had to take PSATs, so all morning classes were cancelled. I got to sleep in late, miss breakfast (we have to sign in every morning by 7:45) and still get tons of work done. For a project, my group went down to the library to work on our poster, and we were actually able to make it pretty decent. I don't know how I can say this without sounding like a conceited bitch, but ours was the best. Anyway, just as we were finishing up, my teacher, Shambo, came in the room and asked if we could spare about half an hour. We agreed to, if only we could have ten minutes to finish up. And so in ten minutes' time we wandered down to his classroom, with our things back in the library. Shambo had informed us that a few of the graduated film majors were filming some movie about Idyllwild, so they took us to some rocks and began to film. We just talked about Shambo's class (which is like totally awesome), but their recording was silent. All they needed was footage of a class outside; there were about ten of us. It was fun. Then we went to lunch.
On Thursday, Mackenzie arrived. 'Nuff said.
The schedules had been pretty messed up because of PSATs and Family Weekend, but whatever... by Thursday and Friday, it was normal. We had no class on Saturday. Friday was pretty cool, though. We got to miss poetry class to rehearse for the reading that would take place later that night. I was the door holder! Before the performance, I went to babysit Lucy, which was just so awesome. The whole time we were walking up to their house, she just kept saying, "My toys, my toys!" because she was so excited to show me. Turns out the kid is a lot more talkative than I had first thought; she was really shy. And only two!
Family weekend was fun. It was nice to see my aunt and uncle. We went out to eat twice... well... really once. I guess. Amy and Dennis got some weird smoothies and fruit juice from a weird place on Sunday in the afternoon. It was weird. But the night before, we went to one of the more well-known restaurants with my teacher Andrew and had a good time. It turns out that the house that mi tios were staying at was robbed, but I won't go into details... there are quite a few details, and had Sherlock Holmes been present, the case would be solved in an instant. Perhaps two instances.
Monday was the all-day hike. We drove down to Palm Springs for two hours, stood in line for thirty minutes, rode the tram for fifteen, and waited to go on the hike for ten. The hike? Well. It was strenuous, to say the least. A lot of what we did was uphill, but since we retraced our steps, the uphill and downhill was even. We didn't even get lost! Actually, that was very likely, too. There we were, sitting and eating our lunches halfway through the hike, when one group decides to leave early. We bid them adieu and lost track of them within the next minute, happily (or unhappily) munching on the chips and gross sandwiches that were provided in the dull brown bags. Since that group was on the same bus as us (#3), we had to wait around for them to come back. They never did. Turns out they hiked all the way back to Idyllwild! There was actually a group scheduled to do that, but it was canceled due to lack of supervision. Oh well, people ended up doing it anyway!
Today is Tuesday, and, well, now I've caught up with the present. It seems like a very short entry... perhaps because I'm slightly out of it. My classes are still fun, and I'm super duper happy about Mackenzie. Along with the Macbook I also received a very AWESOME case that makes the computer look like a book. A very old book might I add. In fact, I've fooled many people with it. They all love it! But of course my love is mostly for the computer itself. In the box that held Mackenzie, there were also several other little items: Tinkerbell glitter crayons (mum knows me so well), headphones (THREE PAIRS), my iPod (which I bought from Sophie (for $20) in like JANUARY (I'm not mad, don't worry, hah)), a billion movies that I'll watch again and again throughout the year, and last but not really last, a phone cord (for some strange reason). My memory is failing me right now.
Anyway, this blog post was probably a pain to read. My mind is wandering; like many other teenagers (and I suppose people in general), I'm lovesick.... so.... excuse the manner in which this is written... I'm exhausted from yesterday's hike (for some reason, only the students are!) and amazed by how much homework I've seemed to collect over that past two weeks. Plus my English teacher is teaching things that I, as a creative writer, am already aware of... oh well... that's what I get for being impatient...
Pues... ¡Adios, mis amigos! ¡Hasta luego!
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